
Boil it All Down to What Counts the Most

Monday, 5 May 2014

If any of you  logged onto Google yesterday you will know that May 4th not only marked Star Wars Day but also Audrey Hepburn's 85th Birthday. 

Sadly the Funny Face actress died in 1993 but in her time left an incredibly stylish footprint on the fashion world! Hepburn is known for her classic style - her fuss-free silhouettes and timeless red lipstick. Her look was always very Parisian - something I am a massive fan of at the moment. 

One of my favourite quotes comes from Audrey. "Boil it all down to what counts the most: What is the essence of what you are trying to do? What's the most important thing? " This is something that I try to bare in mind not only when I am designing but also when I am getting dressed in the morning and I'm sure this explains why her outfits were always so chic. 

We owe a lot of our current trends to this stylish lady - she showed us that penny loafers aren't just for men, capri pants can be incredibly flattering but also how to achieve the perfect winged eyeliner! 

Below are some of my favourite outfits and photos of Audrey.

Happy Birthday Girl!


  1. Wonderful photos of her! :))


  2. Audrey Hepburn is so elegant, she looks iconic even in the simplest of outfits!

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